Episode Leo ~ How NAME! “Chose” ME!, Part IV – Transforming Through Fire

FYI!  “Lion Queen,” by Miguel Couto, is the NAME! of the “Featured Image” for this piece.

Act III ~ Confronting The Wetikó

Episode Leo

How NAME! “Chose” ME!, Part IV ~ Transforming Through Fire

Every initiation reaches a point of crisis, by design. If it was easy to let go of the old way, there would be no need for initiation. We’d seat easily into new wisdom.
S. Kelley Harrell

One Love…One HeartOne Destiny
Bob Marley

I regained consciousness some moments later…I don’t know exactly how long I was “out”…but it couldn’t have been more than one minute…probably less…

Staring up at the door frame of my bedroom, I became aware that, as I collapsed, I had fallen back into my room…at least partially…with my legs in the hallway.

Somehow, I was laying flat on my back…which is also nearly impossible for me to do when I’m in “spasm-mode.”  But nevertheless…that is how I found myself.  I felt a slight pain and looked down to find a nasty abrasion on my right knee-cap…where, presumably, I had smashed it against the half-wall…on my way to the floor. (CapricornCardinal Earth…”rules” the kneecaps!  Right leg…masculine side of the body…hmmmmmm!)

The exceedingly hilarious things about this moment…to me…if it is possible to find the humor…is that, as I came back fully back to my awareness of what had just happened, I realized that my left hand was straddling my chin…thumb out to the left…pointing up towards my eyes and my index finger extended across to the right…

…a common…unconscious…positioning of my hand when I am contemplating something “deep.”

Thinking Emoji Emoticon | Face characters, Emoticon, Animated smiley faces

What occurred to me in THIS moment, however, was that my hand was making the shape of a “L”…as in LOSER…across my face…as if The Wetikó had insured that when I woke up…one of the the first things I would realize, was that acting brazenly against It…as I had just done before fainting…was a pathetic move…in Its opinion.

So, to me, it seemed like I had failed…yet again…but at least it was a “funny failure!” 😉

A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.
B. F. Skinner

As I lay there attempting to regain my composure enough to get up, my phone rang downstairs…

I decided not to get up to get it, however, because I was still feel very groggy.

But, no more than 30 seconds later, it rang again…and…since I figured it must be important for them to call back again…I struggled to my feet and carefully moved down the stairs, avoiding my water cup…which I must have knocked off the half wall as I was collapsing to the floor. (Spilling water…overflowing emotion…PiscesMutable Water mayhaps?!?!)

Quite Divinely, I found that it was Gemini74, my Lutheran-minister-in-training friend of over 20 years, “randomly” calling me in this powerful moment and the synchrony pulsed through me..

I was further awed, as I answered my phone, because..as I raised the screen towards my face…I noticed that the previous call had not come from her, but from Sagittarius73!

So, not only did he sense himself “needed” in this moment, as he so often does, but my most “spiritually-legitimate” friend (From my point of view at that time) also felt compelled to call me in this overwhelmingly traumatic moment!

Synchronistic events offer us perceptions that may be useful in our psychological and spiritual growth and may reveal to us, through intuitive knowledge, that our lives have meaning.
Jean Shinoda Bolen

I answered the call in my horse and weak voice and she immediately sounded concerned.

Are you ok?”, she asked.

I replied, “Actually, I just fainted about five minutes ago and I still feel pretty out of it!

She gasped and asked if I needed her to call 911 for me, but I explained that I was “ok” and just needed a few minutes more to recover.

I then began to explain how I had come to the conclusion that my back injury was actually a…potential “spiritual issue,” right before I fainted, and that I believed the timing was NOT coincidental!

She was fascinated and, understandably, simultaneously concerned about me.  I reassured her, again, that I was “ok” and that, in fact, I had a friend on his way over anyway, so she didn’t need to worry.  So, we ended the call after another few minutes.  I decided not to call Sagittarius73 back right then, since I did not want to raise his alarm “unnecessarily.”

The Divine synchrony was not lost on me, either, that this friend on his way over, Capricorn57, himself was one of the most significant positive influences…while not intentionally or directly spiritual, per se, he was a HIGHLY creative and positive energy…in this burgeoning spiritual journey of mine.

There's No More Perfect Capricorn Than Jesus

Obviously, when I had spoken with him approximately an hour earlier…to invite him over for a “jam sesh”…I didn’t know that my spasms would be coming back…much less that I was going to be fainting soon after…it simply….SYNCHRONOUSLY…aligned that way!

He arrived minutes later and I filled him in on all of the events of the past few days.

He was fascinated but, as only Capricorn57 can, managed to take all of it in stride…lightly playing the guitar he brought with him for the occasion (Having more than 40 guitars at home to choose from…he usually brought a different one each time he came over!) and finding amusing and thought-provoking ways to musically interject his own perspective into the story…as I relayed it to him.

He confirmed, from his considerable personal experience, that yoga was a great direction to explore, when attempting to resolve spiritual, psychological/emotional or physical issues, and I was happy to have his soothing company during this confusing time.

So, somewhere in there…I made the decision not to revisit my “chiro” to resolve the “problem” the next day and, instead, took a “leap of faith” in deciding to explore the yoga direction…

As the evening progressed, we found multiple ways to distract ourselves into tangent conversation after tangent conversation…as was our typical “way.”  Adding alcohol and Cannabis to the equation…we began to fan the flames of inspired creativity that always seems to rage when artistic energies spiral together.

Allowing myself some much needed relaxation time, I fully enjoyed my wise friend’s attention, Love, and compassion.

True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.
Charles Caleb Colton

The next morning…Wednesday, April 10th…I called the yoga studio and spoke with the owner, who patiently listened to me briefly explain my injury and that I was curious about how Kundalini yoga could possibly help.  She recommended that I see one of her teachers, in particular, who was facilitating a class the next morning.

I thanked the owner, hung up the phone, and tried to get as much work done as I could…for the rest of the day…feeling as though I had been neglecting my vocational duties “of late.”  Yes…I DID still have a full-time job during all of this!  Fortunately I was able to easily work from home sometimes, since a lot of it was phone calls and computer-based “paperwork.” 😉

…April 11th, 2013…

The next morning…April 11th…I drove to the yoga studio with mixed feelings.  My spasms seemed to be surprisingly cooperative on the drive, but my ability to express my mobility was still completely suppressed.

As I walked up the steps to the entrance, I completely missed that there were several pairs of shoes just outside the door and proceeded to walk directly onto the studio floor with my shoes on…faux pax at yoga studios…as it is in many other “holy” and/or “sacred” locations around the world.


Seated at the front of the room, the instructor quickly asked me to step back outside and remove my shoes…I imagine that I blushed, as I shamefully retreated onto the porch.

Rule # 1. No shoes in the house - Imgflip

When I stepped back onto the studio floor…barefoot meow…my back erupted in a major spasm!

I let out a small…moaning…gasp and, noticing that, I feel the instructor…who’s attention I had already drawn with my faux paus…stood up and walked over to meet me…which I suppose she would have done anyway, since I was new to the studio.

She asked if I was “ok” and I explained my conversation with her boss the day before…saying that I was desperate to resolve this situation.  Adding that this was actually my first yoga class of any type.

In her deeply maternal and angelic way, she expertly disseminated some instructions for how to follow along with the class…emphasizing that I should not push myself and to “just do as many of the exercises as are comfortable” for me.

Sitting down on my mat…for just a moment or two before the class started…I felt something like peacefulness…

The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more.
Mary Shelley

And yet, I cannot overstate how excruciating the next hour and fifteen minutes was for me…

It felt as if The Wetikó was there exclusively to torture me…as if It had nothing It wanted to do more than torment me.  I felt like It was standing behind me with a giant…metaphoric…spear buried in my back.

Spartacus - Imgflip

The spasms intensified and randomized to a degree I had never experienced and I was crying so much that the instructor…my guide through this gauntlet…had to get up during the class to bring me several Kleenex.  I simply could not find a moment or a position of peace…NO comfort found me…

When the class ended, she approached me and said, “I can tell that you are in a tremendous amount of pain.  We are a ‘non-touching’ studio, but do you mind if I try something to alleviate you pain?

I, of course, agreed and told her that I had come to this studio and her class, specifically, because I was convinced that this was a psychological/emotional and/or spiritual injury and I did not know where else to turn.

Heroes are created in the moment of crisis.
Chi Chi Rodriguez

She brought me forward…I had been sitting in the back of the room during the class.  Leaving me for a moment, she recruited two of her other female students and had me stand in the middle of them…forming a standing triangle around me.

She then instructed her students to focus their love and intent on their hands as they rubbed them together in front of their hearts…to build up positive energy.  Then, after about 30 seconds, she explained to them that when she said so, to turn their hands inwards and focus all their love and positive energy onto me.

The moment that they all simultaneously did so, the most powerful spasm I’ve ever experienced manifested and spiraled through my body….I nearly passed out.  Not more than two seconds after the spasm began, suddenly, the skin all over my body became red hot with searing pain…further challenging my ability to stay conscious, much less upright!  This was a completely novel sensation and had never manifested with any former spasm…

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection to Better Optimize Mental Performance - And Take ...

Finally, the combination of overlapping pain was too much for me and I dropped into a squat…crying out loudy and closing my eyes as the tears spilled out…

Remarkably…synchronously…as soon as she instructed them to return their hands to their hearts, the spasm ended and my skin stopped burning!

mind=blown | Vector art, Illustration, Art

I wanted to attend to how amazed and inspired I felt by what had just happened…but the pain was still too great for that.  I didn’t want to disappoint her either, though, when she asked if I felt any better.

So rising from my knees…still feeling the last of the spasm’s effects drop back into the bowels of my awareness…I wiped my eyes, cleared my throat, and…regaining some small amount of composure…replied that, yes, I did and thanked all of them, honestly, for doing their best to help me.

She recommended that I go home and put a heating pad on my back for as long as I could…and to take it as easy as possible for the next few days.  I agreed and…despite being fascinated by the experience…left the studio.

When I got home, I followed her advice by pulling out the heating pad and parking myself in front of the TV…adding a little of my own “remedy” by popping open a bottle of wine and smoking a little herb…ok A LOT of herb! 😉

inspiring - Imgflip

It did not occur to me until darkness fell, but I suddenly realized that my spasms were gone!  I hadn’t had another one since being at the studio earlier that day!  Even more remarkable, in that moment I realized that the normal full-body soreness, too, seemed to be nearly non-existent!

I was foundationally (I’m not sure that’s a word..) blown away!!!

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.
Joan of Arc

So…with THAT actualization firmly FIXED in place in my mind…I decided that, whatever else I did going forward, I’d be adding Kundalini yoga to my life!


As of this publication…7 years later to the day (Knocking on wood as I type this!)…the spasms NEVER returned!!!

And then…as if THAT “choice” was the final decision I needed to make…during this EPIC “week of weeks” in my life…to “earn” my first glimpse of what my future held…I heard a familiar jingle emanate from my laptop on the coffee table in front of me…

You've Got Mail!

…at 8:57pm CST, April 11, 2013…THIS arrived in “my” reality…


I hadn’t expected to hear back from them so quickly, but was incredibly excited as I opened the e-mail from Diamandis’ Singularity University!!!

My excitement quickly faded, though, as I read the short message…FLATLY rejecting me.

happy sad" Meme Templates - Imgflip

Truly humbling…this diminutive dismissal was a “form” e-mail.

You know…the type that lots of companies use, when they have to send the same e-mail out over and over again…the type that has already been prepared so that one can simply fill in the job title and the person’s NAME!…and then quickly send it out.

“Quickly” being the “key” word here…as she had filled in the job title, but neglected to put my given NAME! in the NAME! field…

…sending it out as, “Dear NAME”!

The Next Time Someone Says "I'm Offended," Show Them THIS

I spent the next few minutes processing the information on the screen.  My first emotional reaction (First stage Scorpio…scorpion…“sting” reaction!) was to immediately forward the e-mail to Diamandis and say, “Thanks for nothing!

But, “burning that bridge” didn’t seem to make any sense to me.  Next, as I calmed down more, I felt resolved to do as the e-mail instructed and just keep applying for other positions at SU (Second stage Scorpio…eagle…“strategic attack” reaction!).

And then…in a moment that felt like I had just run off a cliff…but was somehow floating there in the air…not falling…I suddenly saw it (Third stage Scorpio…phoenix…“transformation” reaction!).  For more information about the three “stages” of Scorpioclick here!

I discerned that this entire Diamandis adventure…and the ensuing week of traumatic trials…had all been leading to THIS moment…this realization!

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.

What I could not have seen ahead of time…until this humbling transcendent moment…was that a vital aspect of how The Wetikó “does” Its dastardly deeds…REQUIRES a label…a way to identify Itself within whatever it wishes to control…

Think Hard Teresa Blank Template - Imgflip

…a NAME! was needed…in order for Its influence to manifest into reality!

Thus…NAME!…by the very nature of the label itself…was shining the necessary light to “deactivate” The Wetikó’s initial influence…IMMEDIATELY!!!

So meow…as the emotion swirled up and through me, and the knowledge spiraled down into me from above…the resulting “meeting of the waves” at my heart created an new…unique…understanding (A metaphoric “surfboard” of perspective, if you will.) to see that a rogue wave…the Aquarian Wave…isn’t just “on its way”…it is already HERE!!!

I must apologize…because I realize that that probably does not make complete sense to you!  For even today…7 years later…I cannot fully articulate how potently…how viscerally I felt…DivinelyLoved in this moment…as the idea began to expand throughout my awareness.

As the melodic strumming of John Rzeznik’s guitar spiraled into my consciousness, I further actualized the Divine synchrony of the NAME! of my favorite Goo Goo Dolls song…and, for the first time, I saw…

NAME! was born!

And I KNEW a way forward…

In THAT moment…I began Loving The Wetikó!

Life gives you your greatest gifts, brilliantly disguised as your worse nightmares.
David Icke

NAME! Discovered ME!

Bearing the tension of the opposites can energize a thrust forward, potentially propelling us over our edge into a place beyond ourselves. Out of this creative tension can emerge what Jung calls a “reconciling symbol,” also known as the “transcendent function,” a spontaneous manifestation of the spirit whose function is transcendence…this transcendent function helps us to overcome our lower nature while at the same time revealing, transcending, and uniting the opposites within ourselves in a more complete totality. We experience this as grace, as an unveiling of our true nature and an expansion of consciousness.  This realization is not something we could have thought of by ourselves, but occurs to us with the force of a revelation, as if it comes from something beyond and transcendent to our limited selves.  It should be noted that this experience of “grace” does not rid us of the shadow, which is part of our human inheritance, but prevents us from being dominated and overtaken by it.
Paul Levy

P.S. ~ Synchrony With Intention ~ Energetic Alignment

Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see it.
Carl Jung

Today is April 11th, 2020.  On the Mayan Tzolk’in calendar, today is 7 Star.

As you may already know, the Tzolk’in is a 260-day, never-ending “energetic tracking system,” spiraling through time.  You can learn more about it here, if you wish!

Mark Elmy writes The Four Pillars…which is the other blog I read each morning, besides 9 Eagle “Jaguar Woman” Debra’s Jaguar Spirit…about the combination of each day’s energies.

Regarding 7 Star…he said had THIS to say in his Four Pillars blog post TODAY!

The day 7 Q’anil (Star)can be seen as an excellent day to bring a project to completion. It is the perfection of ripeness at the point of balance, the point of transition. Creativity has reached a pinnacle and has presented an opportunity to reap abundance.

7…as the “middle” number on the journey from 1-13…synchronously intends a metaphoric “death”/ending…as the journey through the intentions moves from the physical realm 1-6…into the spiritual realm 8-13…and we “descend” the “steps” from the “top of the pyramid.”

The numbers of the days set out as a pyramid.

Sooooooo…I thought, “Well whatdya know!“, since today’s Episode concludes the story! 😛

Also synchronous to me personally…

Mayan Sign: I'x | ajourneyinlight's Blog

The “Star” Sun Sign/”Q’anil”/”Lamat sits in the position of the “Right Hand/Masculine Pillar”, in the “Mayan Cross” birth chart for “Jaguar“/”I’x“…my Mayan Sun Sign.

The Right Hand “Pillar,” for each of us…is usually described as how we will, when aligned with our natal Sun Sign, express ourselves to others…in the external reality.  Similar, in my mind, to the Ascendant Sign in Western Astrology…although that might not actually be true…just my intuition! 😉  Maybe I intuit it that way because my Ascendant Sign is Leo! 😉 😉

Either way…its pretty “dope”…to me…that the alignment is what it is today!

And SO…I say…

Sat NAM! synchronyThank you for ALWAYS being present to reaffirm this journey for me…in ALL ways!

Forward To: Act IV ~ Loving The Wetikó

Back To: Act III ~ Confronting The Wetikó

Table of Contents

1 Comment

  1. Instant Manifestation – ME TOO! Only took a decade or so, but happened in an instant. I always did like surprises. Loved the story! much love, in lak’ech, Debra

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