Episode 2020, Part I ~ Emasculation:  Everyone-Masked-Culled-Nation

Soundtrack for this post: “We Are Free” by Satsang

Act II ~ Discovering The Wetikó

Episode 2020, Part I ~ EmasculationEveryone MaskedCulling The Nation

301 Moved Permanently

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

November 6, 2012 | St. Albert's Place On The Web

Across ALL of human history…the concept of wearing a mask is most commonly associated with a criminal who is attempting to hide their true human identity…while, at the same time, allowing the human-behind-the-mask to feel comfortable acting in ways that are harmful to other humans and society itself.

Throwing Away the Mask | Villain | Fotografi urban

Added to that…the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly WEAK, in support of the position that facial coverings have a significant effect on preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

The Science of Mask-Wearing Hasn’t Changed. So Why Have Our Expectations?

Admittedly, because there is very little data to consider:

“There are no studies of individuals wearing homemade fabric masks in the course of their typical activities. Therefore, we have only limited, indirect evidence regarding the effectiveness of such masks for protecting others, when made and worn by the general public on a regular basis”

From CIDRAP (Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy), in a commentary they published in April, 2020:

“In sum, given the paucity of information about their performance as source control in real-world settings, along with the extremely low efficiency of cloth masks as filters and their poor fit, there is no evidence to support their use by the public or healthcare workers to control the emission of particles from the wearer.”

Surgical Face Masks: No Statistically Significant Benefit Against COVID-19. Danish Study in Annals of Internal Medicine

Dutch government will not advise public to wear masks”

In SO many ways…the 2020s find us meow literally and figuratively stepping into the unknown!

What We Fear : TED Radio Hour : NPR

Meanwhile, back in the KNOWN, there is ESTABLISHED scientific evidence…paradoxically…in support of the position that wearing masks…especially for long periods of time…DOES have a significant damaging effect on the human body.

That Covid Mask Is Giving You Lung Cancer

Wearing a Mask Can Harm Your Health

Potentially causing harm…simultaneously…in multiple areas of the body, including respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological and immunological health.

Specifically to the point of this particular piece…from the article above, “Wearing a mask ‘promotes fear, which we know is bad for the immune system‘.

Faith conquers fear | Beacon Blog

Being afraid, is an illusion…of your worst nightmare.
Mike Tyson

Mark Burnett Quote: "Facing your fears robs them of their power."

Behavior Modification

Beyond physical health…and much more insidious…are the long-term, society-transforming, psychological and social health consequences that are MEOW generating within our culture

The Major Difference Between Intuition and Fear | HuffPost

…breeding unavoidable divisions between friends, family-members, co-workers, or even just a stranger passing on the street!

Divide and rule - Wikispooks

Manifesting through this division, is untenable social pressure to IMMEDIATELY conform without question…without investigation!

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
Albert Einstein

To borrow a concept from the Zeitgeist movie series, in acting as “Self-Appointed Guardians of The Status Quo” we are witnessing the highly damaging effects that result when the population CHOOSES to shame, verbally abuse or even physically attack those who do NOT CHOOSE to acquiesce or accept, without investigation, the mainstream narrative.

“One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make.”

-Dr. Russell Blaylock-

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Soooooooooooo…since we are all meow required to wear masks…potentially for a long time…if not permanently…

CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

“over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.”

…and we know that masks DO NOT prevent the spread of disease…at least not in the ways being held up as the “reasons” for their use…

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage

…AND masks DO harm us in a variety of ways, when we submit to wearing them…

What is the PRIMARY reason that we all…


…MUST wear masks?!?!?!

bean figures clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download images on Clipground 2020


YOU are NOT supposed to ASK questions like THAT!!!

Neo:  You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap, I know my rightsI want my phone call.
Agent Smith:  Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?
-The Matrix-


Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s own ignorance.

May 28, 2020: “In the past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling.


“Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans.”

-New England Journal Of Medicine-

‘Masks Are Symbolic,’ say Dr Fauci and The New England Journal of Medicine

Ok…first of all…WTF is a “talisman”?

Talisman - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia:

A talisman is an object that someone believes holds magical properties that provide particular power, energy, and specific benefits to the possessor.

And…more importantly…

WHY is the NEJM pushing the idea of masks as talismans?!?!

lahneeland – lahneeland

From the article below:

“Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.  

But there’s more.  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:

 ‘A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.’

In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation — a human alchemy, if you will — from one role to another.  From one manner of being, to another.”

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

I always cry before a fight…because I‘m getting ready to change into somebody I don’t like.
Mike Tyson

1000+ images about 4chan on Pinterest | Attack helicopter, New memes and The aliens

Is it too “on the nose”, here, to emphatically exclaim,

HELL NO!!!”?

No!!!  OF COURSE you do NOT believe in occult alchemical transformation rituals and/or ceremonies!

If you even knew that that was a thing…a REAL thing that happens in the REAL world…throughout history and still today!



You certainly would not KNOWINGLY CHOOSE to participate in such horrors!

Here’s the thing about that…however…





Occult Symbolism of The Jesuit Order and Aleister Crowley’s LAW OF REVERSAL.


Cult-Napping: The Truth About Satanic Rituals And Occult Child Abduction | truehiphopspot

What matters, in point of fact, is that it appears “those in power” believe in these techniques…and have been using them for generations…to manifest, cultivate, manipulate, and control human society.

What matters…is that it DOES work for “them”…

In his visit to Israel John Paul II set in a throne having an inverted cross

…because we do not know that we are…

New World Order Acolyte Melinda Gates Appears On TODAY Show Pushing Hard For A Global Vaccine ...

…unknowingly…Melinda Gates Appears on Today Show Pushing Hard for a Global Vaccine While Wearing an Upside ...


In case you missed this quote at the beginning of the piece…

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Law Of Inversion/Reversal: From Sacred To Profane

Figure Ground

Taking something sacred and making it profane.

In other words, taking something that is beautiful, Loving, and/or positive…something that nearly all humans would agree is a “good thing” or a “good thing to do”…and using it for a PRIMARY purpose that inverts/flips-over the meaning and intention underlying the choice to participate in said activity.

The intention of our collective perspective…that we are wearing these masks to protect ourselves and others…most significantly, the idea that we are doing this to protect OTHERS…“Hey, I’m doing this for YOU!”

THIS is what it means to take something Sacred…the natural, Love-based, human instinct to help others…and cause that instinct to UNKNOWINGLY serve a profane purpose…as a method of submission and subjugation, for example!

Love Can Be Alchemically Transmuted To Serve An Agenda Of Hate!!!

Most insidious…WE are the primary enforcers!

Elbert Hubbard Quote: “To subjugate another is to subjugate yourself.” (10 wallpapers) - Quotefancy

WE are inducing trauma as WE ignorantly harm ourselves AND others!

This is why the shortened NAME! of Malignant Egophrenia isME disease,” referring to a distortion of our identity, i.e., our sense of “me-ness.
Paul Levy

Pardon my “French”…buuuuut…



Didn't Work Then, Won't Work Now | HuffPost

I choose to get busy living!

Discovering The Wetikó

They say they’ll fix this but leave that broken
They spit lies but leave truths unspoken
Satsang, “We Are Free”-

…Getting Busy Living…Since 2011!

When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float; and that insecurity is the result of trying to be secure.
Alan Watts, on his “Backwards Law”


Soooo…shall we sink in” a little deeper…and float on?!?!?

Did you know that Kary Mullis…the inventor of the PCR test (For which he won a Nobel Prize in 1993)…

Kary Mullis: A next-gen cure for killer infections | Talk Video | TED.com

…said that PCR should never be used as a tool in the diagnosis of infectious diseases?

The Truth About PCR Test Kit From The Inventor And Other Experts

12 best images about The Facepalm Collection on Pinterest | Godzilla, Wolves and A wolf

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

double-facepalm | Robin Brown

Next Piece:  Episode 2020 ~ Meow!  Right MEOW!!! – Part II:  Testing…Testing…123…Testing…  Is This Thing On?!?!

AAMCN Blog: August 2015

Back To: Act II ~ Discovering The Wetikó

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