Act IV, Episode Music ~ Strawberry Skies

Act IV ~ Loving The Weti

Episode Music ~ Strawberry Skies

Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.
-Elvis Presley-

I start this piece with that quote above, from Elvis, because…for me…purrrrhaps the most important message of this entire website…and certainly this particular piece and this particular song…is that we are NOT alone!

Proof that God exists

Not only does Spirit exist, but our reality is inseparably infused with incontrovertible evidence of this TRUTH…aka The Flow of The Divine Plan!

All we have to remember…as a species…is that it does not matter how long this fundamental Truth has been shut out, suppressed, reduced in significance, or ignored…Spirit is HERE…always has been…always will be!

For me…the Hero’s Journey that unfolds within Strawberry Skies is undeniable PROOF of this Truth!  And…so…by sharing this origin story…and this song…I offer this proof to you…with as much Love as I can manifest!

Proof of God: Study finds encounters with God has life-long benefits | Science | News | Express ...

This song was not born as a song!

Strawberry Skies manifested into this world as a poem that came through the marvelous mind of my friend, 3 Earth Gemini90four years ago!

Shorty after sunset, on one of the “wintry San Diego” days of January…in 2018…she sent the short poem to me in a text message with the following picture…explaining that she had just finished paddle-boarding on Mission Bay and the poem came to her while she was out on the water!

Her friend took this picture while she was on the board and…3 Earth Gemini90 conjectured later…it is possible the picture was taken during those moments when the poem was spiraling through her thoughts!

Original Text Message From 3 Earth Gemini90:
Strawberry skies reflected in my eyes… today I am set free, tomorrow we shall see… I go where The Sun warms my face, where I can feel it’s loving embrace… this is my peace for which no negativity can reach…these moments keep me sane, medicine for my brain… so much to be grateful for, such a hunger for more, trial and error is a matter a fact so I’ll just stay positive and keep practicing this balancing act ✨🙏🏻”

In the moment, as I read the poem that first time, I was intensely inspired by her words and by the flow and feel of the poem.

It “screamed” song to me!  It SO obviously “wanted” to be a song, that it was as if I could cognocibly discern a vortex of creative energy swirling around in the air above my head…waiting to be sculpted fully into form!

Later that evening, as I picked up my guitar and sat down with the intention of putting her words to music, I was humbled as the thought crept through my mind that I had NO idea how to do this!

Clueless Monkey by lguan on DeviantArt

I had never before taken someone else’s words and placed them to music!

The only songs I could perform, until that day, were either written by me or someone else who had already turned their own words into a song.

This was a novel experience for me…to take the energy of this poem and somehow…some way…transmute it into a song!

However, having just finished composing “The Purest Part,” only a couple weeks earlier, I was feeling very confident that I would be able to figure it out.

When In Doubt…Go With What You Know!!!

Diving right in, I relaxed and took a breath…

Taking the Long Way Home: Just breathe

In the peaceful calm of my exhale, I felt called to choose a familiar (up-down-up-slap) strumming pattern, which I acquired by way of a recommendation from 7 Eagle Cancer92…in 2015…while I was learning how to play the song, “I’m Yours,” by Jason Mraz…as this strumming pattern also works well for that song!

Two More Guitar Chords - Beginner Guitar Lessons

For no reason I can specifically remember, I felt guided to apply this strumming pattern to the D Major chord, as seen above, and…almost immediately…the first lines of the poem began to effortlessly attach themselves to the music…as if they were born for the combination…which they OBVIOUSLY were! 😉

When I arrived at the words this is my peace for which no negativity can reach, I recognized the “need” for a different chord and…soooo…my old friend G Major seemed to choose itself, as my fingers intuitively switched positions…

How to Play a G Major Open Chord | Guitar Lessons - YouTube

And again, it appeared that the words were made for the music as…after a few moments using the same strumming pattern with G…I instinctively then moved my top two fingers down one string each, to play the C Major add9 chord and…

Easy Guitar Chords For Beginners - 5 Minute Guitar Module 5 - Master Changing, Switching and ...

…as I repeated that line of the poem in my mind…“this is my peace for which no negativity can reach…I realized that this change to the G chord, followed by the move to Cadd9, was the demarcation point between the first verse and the chorus of the song!

I then switched back to the D chord…as I continued through the remaining words of the poem…and, mind-blown, I found they formed a second verse that was equal in length to the first verse…minus the line that became the chorus!  The entire process took no more than 10-15 minutes and I sat there dumbfounded at how perfectly the words fit the music…and how TRULY effortless the experience was!

Mind Blown GIF

Given that I meow had the first two verses and the chorus…and the fact that the song was only about 1 minute long at this point…I felt guided to add the third, fourth and fifth verses over the next few days and, around the time we moved from Capricorn into Aquarius…in January of 2018Strawberry Skies synchronously manifested as a unintentional collaboration between 3 Earth Gemini90 and NAME!


Much as it was for “The Purest Part,” a few weeks earlier, the lyrics for the verses I contributed came through me without “me”/my ego’s “fingerprints” on them…that is why I say it is a collaboration with NAME! and not little ‘ol me! 😉

As it had been for the application of her words to the music, so too was it effortless as I witnessed NAME!‘s words come through my mind and seamlessly wreathe themselves around the music…I did not alter them at all…they were simply purrrrfect as they were!

Over the years of my awakening…since 2011…I have become more and more aware of the Agape Love-generated miracles that are happening literally AT ALL TIMES…easily observed…when I move myself/my ego “out of the way” enough to simply witness the ways in which Spirit weaves together this Divine Fabric we call reality!

We are Weavers: Owning Your Traditions | Traditional, Weaving, Divine feminine

It wasn’t until this past December of 2021…nearly four years later…when I began working on the recording for the song, that I made a few minor tweaks to the lyrics…but VERY minor!  Otherwise…the messages coming through the lyrics arrived in my reality more-or-less at the same time as the lyrics for “The Purest Part,” in January of 2018

At the time, it did not occur to me to consider the possibility that these two songs were linked by more than JUST the proximity-in-time in which they manifested…

If you would like to download the mp3 for this song, please click the download button below:


Strawberry Skies

Werds:  3 Earth Gemini90 & NAME!

Music:  NAME!

Strawberry skies
Reflected in my eyes
Today I am set free
Tomorrow we shall see…

I go where The Sun
Warms my face
Where I can feel
His loving embrace…

Ooohhh, this is my peace
For which no negativity can reach…

Said, this is my peace
For which no no negativity can reach…

These moments keep me sane, medi-
Cine for my brain, so much to
Be grateful for, such a
Hunger for more…

Trial and error is
A matter a fact, so I’ll just
Stay positive, and keep
Practicing this…

Balancing act ✨🙏🏻
Because my positivity will never crack

Said, this is my peace
For which no no negativity can reach

No its not me who writes this song but meow I
Choose to sing along
Aligning with The Flow because that’s
How my Spirit grows

The Way” before me laid, this is the
How I’m gettinpaid
Expanding ever on, I hope you
Choose to sing along cuz then

Weeee find OUR peace
For which the negativity will never breach

That’s right, this is OUR peace
For which no no negativity can breach

No time to generate the hate
I only will appreciate
Honor bound to instigate
The reciprocity of Fate

We spiral up and spiral on
Singing these words to keep us strong
Follow your light when you’re lost in the dark
You carry within you THE Bright Shining Spark

And THAT is YOUR piece
So set the creativity inside you free

Cuz then weeeee find OUR peace
Across the en-tire world
Come on do ya feel me?!?!

No one will be left behind
So feel the Love of Gaia’s mind
Everyone wins in thisGame of Time
Spiraling from The Eternal Sublime

And that is Her Piece
The Flow of The Divine will never cease!

I’m talkin’ global peace
For which no no negativity can breach!

Straaaaawberry skies
In my Eye yeah
In my Eye yeah

Straaaaawberry skies
My Third Eye yeah

I frickin’ LOVE this song!

After publishing the Episode and lyric video for “The Purest Part” at the end of November 2021, while I was sitting on my patio and meditating with the sunset one December evening, Spirit brought through my awareness the notion to reflect upon the structure and message of “The Purest Part.”

Specifically that…within the song…there are three verses honoring each of the three Water signs of Astrology (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).

This led me to leave the present moment and enter a “thought tangent” about the potential to create three more songs, each honoring one of the other three elements besides Water…those being Earth, Air, and Fire

Four elements by MeganMSmith on DeviantArt

As this thought was spiraling through my mind, I suddenly snapped back into the present moment and became very alert, as I felt guided to contemplate the verses of “Strawberry Skies,” and…quite quickly…I felt an unexpected, but familiar, surge of inspiration-induced energy flowing through my body, as I discerned that one of those other three songs I had just been wishing for, was already RIGHT HERE…hanging in the “AIR“…patiently waiting for me to realize it…nearly FOUR YEARS later!

28 best Air/Signs images on Pinterest | Air signs, Zodiac mind and Astrology

There are MANY ways to utilize and apply the lessons of Astrology in our daily lives…MANY!!!

So many, in fact, that it can quickly become confusing and, therefore, challenging to successfully glean the wisdom being offered by this ancient system.

However, being a blonde man, I like to keep things simple! 😉

James Bond Jokes | Kappit


Sooooo…when I want to “Astrologically analyze” something…I prefer to first focus upon the Element and Quality of the Sign I am considering.

Generally speaking…in Western AstrologyWater metaphorically refers to our emotional lives, Earth refers to our physical lives, Air refers to our Mental lives, and Fire refers to the ongoing Spiritual transformation weaving through our lives.

Libra is the first Air Sign and, thus, its Quality is Cardinal.

Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable Signs. Things that Signs lie about. Things you should know about Signs ...

As you can see above, Cardinal can be described in many ways, but I feel that “beginning” or “Generative” are most appropriate…since Cardinal IS first amongst The Qualities of Creation!

So combining Cardinal and Air, in my way of looking at it, Libra could be considered…metaphorically…to embody the beginning of a thought…or the birth of a thought!

I have aligned with the perspective that I am not creating the thoughts that pass through my mind, but instead, Spirit is the Generative energy from which thoughts are born.

Inside my mind, I am not able to witness the birth of a thought…I can only experience the thought once it occurs in my mind, already formed.  In this way, Cardinal Air (Libra) is not just subconscious…it is PRE-conscious!  Coming directly from Spirit, to me Libra represents purity…purity of thought…unbiased and unaffected…indeed, yet to be judged by the ego as a “good” or a “bad” thought.

In that way, I feel that the first verse of “Strawberry Skies” embodies this aspect of Libra‘s energy, as…for me…it conjures the images of a pure thought…an honest thought…a perfect thought.  A heroically beautiful thought!

Libra Zodiac Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Strawberry skies
Reflected in my eyes
Today I am set free
Tomorrow we shall see…

I go where The Sun
Warms my face
Where I can feel
His loving embrace…

Ooohhh, this is my peace
For which no negativity can reach…

One of the reasons I feel that this verse is a pure, honest, perfect, and heroically beautiful thought is because of how it…metaphorically…contains the three stages of the Hero’s Journey (Separation, Initiation, and Return) within the verse!


Strawberry skies
Reflected in my eyes
Today I am set free
Tomorrow we shall see…

Strawberry skies reflected in my eyes,” to me, is the Call To Adventure that begins the Separation phase of The Hero’s Journey!

I say this because the phrase “Strawberry skies,” all-at-once elicits a sensation of Agape Love within me.  In my experiences looking at perfect sunrises and sunsets, each of them could be poetically encapsulated by saying “Strawberry skies”…

Strawberry Swing Photograph by Nancy Morrison

…and every time I’m looking at a perfect sunrise or sunset, I STRONGLY feel Loved by Spirit…and THAT is Agape Love!

Grace-Filled-Moments : Agape Love Never Ends (Walking in Agape Love Series)

So it is the Call To Adventure of this song’s Hero’s Journey, because on a quest for Spiritual Awareness, it is our deepening and ever-expanding relationship with Agape Love that draws us inexorably forward towards that elusive goal of “fully awakening,” while still alive and in the body!

Today I am set free, tomorrow we shall see“…to me…represents Crossing The Threshold from Separation into Initiation…and in such an honest way!  3 Earth Gemini90 is aware that she is set free because she has answered the call and is crossing the threshold, but she does not know what tomorrow will bring…because she is entering the unknown realm of Initiation!

Additionally, another way of saying “set free,” is liberation!  So Libra is “hiding-in-plain-sight,” within 3 Earth Gemini90‘s very words!


I go where The Sun
Warms my face
Where I can feel
His loving embrace…

For all for trials and challenges we face in The Unknown Realm, we inevitably find our treasure in there as well…

National treasure heros journey essay

…and THAT is what allows us to cross back over the threshold and Return!

And, thus, this piece of the first verse…for me…exemplifies the “turning of the corner” during initiation, when…consumed in the darkness of our most desperate moments…we are guided to naturally turn back towards the light, as we begin to gain the momentum that propels us into our eventual “Heroic Selves” of the future, as we bring back with us the treasure we have forged and foraged, by facing the challenges presented to us along the path of our initiation.

And so…metaphorically…our path to awakening Spiritually, has often been described, across history, as our internal journey of transformation from existing as one of trillions of “ordinary” stars in the sky…to becoming The Sun…steadily shining brilliantly EVERY day, abundantly offering Agape Love…upon which all in our solar system thrive!

Victory Will Shine Like the Sun


Ooohhh, this is my peace
For which no negativity can reach…

It almost goes without saying, to me, that this final piece of the first verse is perfectly…beautifully…fundamentally describing that with which we return…our Hero’s Treasure!  For at the end of the day, is there anything we crave more than a form of peace for which no negativity can reach?!

Separation!  Initiation!!  Return!!!  Sat NAM!, 3 Earth Gemini90Sat NAM!, Libra!

Strawberry skies
Reflected in my eyes
Today I am set free
Tomorrow we shall see…

I go where The Sun
Warms my face
Where I can feel
His loving embrace…

Ooohhh, this is my peace
For which no negativity can reach…

As we witness this pure thought passing through our minds, we have but two choices we can make…we can align with the thought or we can choose not to align with it.

In other words, our ego either “likes” the thought or “dislikes” the thought.

Fozzy - Imgflip

Either way, in that moment of “choice,” we are fixing ourselves to the frequency of alignment with the thought (aka “good”) or disassociation from the thought (aka “bad”).

In doing so, we are making a Sacred Bond with our choice for how we perceive what Spirit is offering for us to witness in that moment.  THIS, conceptually, is one of ways Fixed Air, Aquarius, teaches us about the nature of how our “free” will interacts with our thoughts.

Aquarius Tattoos Designs, Ideas and Meaning | Tattoos For You

THIS is where…if we actually have it (I don’t think we do!)…but if we do…THIS is where our free will gets to participate in the story!

We “make the choice” of how we perceive what we are witnessing…how we think about the thought…and, in doing so, we fix ourselves to the frequency of that choice.

In my opinion, if we have a form of free will, then this is the extent of it…choosing how we think about something, is all we really “control” in our realities.  The rest is in God’s capable hands, as the saying goes!

These moments keep me sane, medi-
Cine for my brain, so much to
Be grateful for, such a
Hunger for more…

Trial and error is
A matter a fact, so I’ll just
Stay positive, and keep
Practicing this…

Balancing act ✨🙏🏻
Because my positivity will never crack

Best 25+ Aquarius art ideas on Pinterest | Nymphs, Water nymphs and Greek mythology tattoos

3 Earth Gemini90’s second verse, in my view, is infused with Aquarian ideals…in terms of how we can successfully navigate our realities in ways that will lead to, from our personal points of view, positive outcomes for our life stories…and for all of humanity!

This second verse is a model for the perfected “Age of Aquarius” human consciousness!



These moments keep me sane, medicine for my brain.  Aquarian translation:  The present moment is the ONLY place where we can be sustainably sane.  The realms of past and future are controlled by The WetikóBeing present is literally medicine for a malignantly maniacal mind!

So much to be grateful for, such a hunger for more.  Aquarian translation:  We can “choose” to cultivate and maintain a mindset of gratitude and a humble yearning for more present moments to experience.  After all, every present moment we experience with gratitude and humility opens us to higher and higher frequencies of experience, as we spiral upwards and onwards in our Spiritual lives!

Trial and error is a matter of fact, so I’ll just stay positive and keep practicing this balancing act.  Aquarian translation:  Such honesty!  We learn best by failing…and we will fail MUCH more than we will succeed in life…but staying positive and grateful…and hungry for more…this is the recipe for keeping our balance, in the face of more failure than success along our paths!

Incidentally, her reference to a “balancing act,”…to me…brings her original poem spiraling back to the Libra ideals of justice and Divine Balance…i.e. the scales of Libra.

Personally, because of my Love for…and alignment with…the 13th Zodiac constellation, Ophiuchus, her reference to the balancing act also spirals forward…unknowingly and unintentionally…to connect with the fourth verse of the song, which is the Ophiucan verse…and, again, I did not realize it was the “Ophiucan verse” when it was originally spiraling through my mind four years ago!  It certainly was not my intention to “make” it Ophiucan at that time, at any rate!

But before we get to the fourth verse…the third verse is where NAME! “chimes in!”

Indeed, the final line of the second verse is the exact point in the song where this takes place.

Because my positivity will never crack

Very cool synchrony to point out here…is that verses one and two…the Libra and Aquarius verses of the song…were written by a Gemini!

So contained within the original seed for the song…the poem…all three Air Signs are unintentionally represented by its author!  And, again, this is also something I did not realize until after I discerned the “AirSign-interpretation” of this song a few weeks ago!

JUNE | Stardoll's Most Wanted...

No its not me who writes this song but meow I
Choose to sing along
Aligning with The Flow because that’s
How my Spirit grows…

“The Way” before me laid, this is the
“How I’m gettin’ paid”
Expanding ever on, I hope you
Choose to sing along cuz then…

Weeee find OUR peace
For which the negativity will never breach…

That’s right, this is OUR peace
For which no no negativity can breach…

Gemini art, Alchemy art, Art

Born during Sagittarius…according to the traditional model of Western AstrologyGemini is the Sign on the exact opposite side of the ZodiacWheel” from my Sun Sign

Virgo, Sagittarius To Gemini: Know The Sign Of Your Perfect Life Partner Here | IWMBuzz

…so as I was discerning the Astrological messages of this third Air Sign verse…

No its not me who writes this song but meow I
Choose to sing along

…it occurred to me that this felt like a Sagittarian way of describing Mutable Air, Gemini…not necessarily the way a Gemini would look at it…but only a Gemini could tell me that! 😉

No its not me who writes this song but meow I choose to sing along,” meaning that Gemini reveals to us that our life stories, which present themselves to us through our minds, are songs created by Spirit in Spirit’s One Verse (Universe)…and that this is a Verse with which we can join in and sing along…literally mutating our air in order to do so!!

Aligning with The Flow because that’s
How my Spirit grows…

“The Way” before me laid, this is the
“How I’m gettin’ paid”
Expanding ever on, I hope you
Choose to sing along cuz then…

Weeee find OUR peace
For which the negativity will never breach…

The Way being The Divine Plan and “How I’m gettin’ paid is proposing an answer to the question of how does one “make a living,” survive and…indeed…thrive by aligning with a seemingly chaotic and nearly indiscernible Divine Plan?

Gemini answer:  By staying in the present moment, interpreting the “signs” and aligning with The Flow, and not focusing…AT ALL…upon what’s coming next…but to be completely satisfied with staying in the present moment.

Because…as Gemini’s combination of the Mutable quality and the element Air can metaphorically display…in a Divine Plan, Spirit is taking care of literally EVERYTHING…aka The Flow.

So we simply cannot concern ourselves with this “pesky” issue of “what’s going to happen next?!”, if we are going to be able to stay aligned with The Flow in the present moment…which is where weeee find our peace…collectively…for which the negativity will NEVER breach!

24No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 25Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air:  They do not sow or reap or gather into barns – and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
-Matthew 6:24-27-

In other words, we must have Supreme Trust in Spirit, in order to stay present, balanced, and positive!

I say it may be more of a Sagittarian way of perceiving Mutable Air, Gemini, because…from my perspective and in the context of this song…The Twins of Gemini represent both the “we” that collectively finds our peace for which no negatively can breach…and they also represent the two possibilities we face as we choose to align with, or turn away from, Spirit.

In my view, the Mutable quality…like Cardinal…is also outside of our free will’s influence.

What happens…happens…in The Divine Plan!  This feels more like a Sag interpretation…to me…but…I am biased about a Sag point of view! 😉

Mutability is outside of free will…in my humble opinion…because “we” are not doing the mutating…we are witnessing the mutation…and what we are witnessing in the mutation of Air (thought), is the inevitable result of the “choice” we made in the Fixed stage of Aquarius.  If we aligned, the result is a beautiful journey of Divine proportions…and if we turned away…it is a different beautiful journey of Divine proportions!

Turning away is no less beautiful…but perhaps just more challenging to see as beauty!  For, again, EVERYTHING that happens in a Divine Plan…is part of that Plan!

It was easy to love God in all that was beautiful. The lessons of deeper knowledge, though, instructed me to embrace God in all things.
St. Francis of Assisi

Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign Astrology Printable | Etsy

Where…in the third verse…Gemini is revealing “how” the mutation of this pure, Divine, thought leads to our collective peace for which no negativity can breach…in the fourth verse, I discerned as my thoughts were being illuminated by the Strawberry Sky sunset that evening on my patio in December of ’21, that the metaphoric lessons of the “hiding-in-plain-sight” 13th constellation of The Zodiac, Ophiuchus…which translates into English as, “Serpent Handler“…exemplify the potential within the mechanism (or pathway) of Gemini’s “how,” as the transmuted thought is maintained by the “balancing act” of an awakening, aware, and aligned human consciousness…fixated upon and aligned with The Flow…which is symbolically embodied as The Serpent that Ophiuchus “handles!”

As I briefly mentioned in the Introduction for this website, Ophiuchus is the primary hero archetype for NAME!

This is because while, in the “conventional” 12Sign model of The Zodiac I was born in Sagittarius, if one chooses to observe the sky on my birthday…December 15th…”my” Sun actually resides within the constellation of The Serpent Handler…when Ophiuchus is considered to be part of The Hero’s Journey around The Sun each year…aka The Zodiac!

No time to generate the hate
I only will appreciate
Honor bound to instigate
The reciprocity of Fate…

Ophiucan translation:  Gratitude and honor for The Divine are “The Way” for the opportunity to consciously participate in and manifest The Divine Plan!

We spiral up and spiral on
Singing these words to keep us strong
Follow your light when you’re lost in the dark
You carry within you THE Bright Shining Spark

And THAT is YOUR piece
So set the creativity inside you free…

Cuz then weeeee find OUR peace
Across the en-tire world
Come on do ya feel me?!?!

Ophiucan translation:  Discovering, revealing, and then…indeed…setting our creative Spark free…which is another way to say, “embracing the path of Agape Love“…is the key to unlocking eternal global peace!

Ophiuchus - New Zodiac Sign

I Love every word of this song…but the final verse is definitely my favorite, because in my mind’s exceedingly optimistic Age of Aquarius future utopian reality…where we all “wake up” and align ourselves with the Agape Love-infused Divine Plan…we transcend the old Age of Pisces conceptual paradigms of death, decay, and oblivion and re-member our True Divine Nature…our Eternal Nature!

From the moment these words originally spiraled through me, in 2018, I was feelin’ the Love coming from Spirit…which is Her piece!

No one will be left behind
So feel the Love of Gaia’s mind
Everyone wins in this “Game of Time”
Spiraling from The Eternal Sublime…

And that is Her Piece
The Flow of The Divine will never cease!

I’m talkin’ global peace
For which no no negativity can breach!

Straaaaawberry skies
In my Eye yeah
In my Eye yeah

Straaaaawberry skies
My Third Eye yeah

Sat NAM!, Great SpiritSat NAM!, Pachamama y Papa CieloSat NAM!, “MyBeautiful Human Family!

I am grateful and honored to stand with you, as The Aquarian Wave washes ashore and we all open our Third Eyes!

P.S. ~ Synchrony With Intention ~ Energetic Alignment

Synchronicity is an ever–present reality for those who have eyes to see it.
Carl Jung

Today is February 22, 2022.  On the Mayan Tzolk’in calendar, today is 13 Dog.

As you may already know, the Tzolk’in is a 260-day, never-ending “energetic tracking system,” spiraling through time.  You can learn more about it here, if you wish!

I am writing this last part of the piece, as the last few minutes of February 21, 2022 tick away and 12 Offering energetically “hands off” to 13 Dog, as we move across midnight and reach this “ascension day” of the Flint Trecena…which began 12 days ago on, 2/10/22.

13 Dog is day 130 of 260…meaning that, in this moment, we are “sitting” in the exact center of the current spiral of days.

God Dog Unconditional Love - Dog - Tank Top | TeePublic

13 Dog, to me, maximally embodies the fundamental truth of which I spoke at the beginning of this piece.

That being, The Flow of The Divine Plan and the presence of Spirit’s Unconditional Love…inseparably-infused throughout our shared reality…are the proof of this truth.

13 Dog is the center of the “story of days,” in my opinion, because we’ve arrived at the turning point in The Hero’s Journey.

THIS is the moment when we learn that the answer is Agape Love!  Always has been…ALWAYS will be!

Agape Love- Conners Clinic

But UNconditional Love is a different kind of Love than what our human egos comprehend, in the “normal” forms of romantic, brotherly, and familial love.

And this is why its only the halfway point in the spiral of days…because we still must figure out how to incorporate and align with this “different,” but “Groovy Kind of Love.”

Agape Love can sometimes be challenging to even see as Love at all…but when I began to attend to the truth of this idea…that Divine Love is not only real…but primary to our existence…I began to see it more and more…all around me…ALL OF THE TIME!

And so when I learned…in January of 2022…about the other synchrony with today’s date, from Western Astrology, that “my” country…The United States of America…would achieve its first “Pluto Return” on 2/22/22…I knew today was the day for Strawberry Skies!

The dwarf planet Pluto - Structure, specificity, moons, origin

Pluto’s orbit takes approximately 247 years to complete.  Thus, ~247 years ago today…in Pluto’s orbit…it was July 4th, 1776…the birthday of this nation!

Pluto’s return is heralded as a time of great Spiritual change and revelation…and in my view of reality…this represents a turning point…or a tipping point in the consciousness of the American people.

A Meditative Prayer for Spiritual Growth | Spiritual Arts Institute

Our journey as a country has taken us FAR away from Spirit over the past 200+ years…but in our return…we are meow coming back around to what we always knew…but only had to re-member!

What is agape love? |

Divine LoveAgape Love is the answer to everything…because Divine LoveAgape Love…is what manifests, maintains, and provides the magnificence that is our Universe!

Agape Love is inseparably-infused throughout our reality…and we are just meow re-membering who we REALLY are…and from where we REALLY come…and to where we all shall return!

Heaven On Earth

The final synchrony for the publication of this song…and this piece…was only just revealed to me earlier today…on 12 Offering...and it is still WAY too close for me to speak on it meow with much eloquence.

But suffice it to say…no matter HOW challenging it can sometimes be to see how the Unconditional Agape Love of Spirit weaves throughout our reality…like on a day when someone we Love transitions out of this life and our souls seem to rip apart to the core…as we send them on their way…

…I see it today…and I FEEL IT today…and so I choose to align with it…and dedicate it…TODAY!

Sat NAM!, Wyatt!!!  Sat NAM!

Wyatt Barreto
April 2009 ~ February 2022

I Love you YY!  Thank you for leading the way home!

Next Piece:  Episode Music ~ A Melody From Big Sur

AAMCN Blog: August 2015

Back To:  Act IV, Episode Music ~ The Ultimate Expression Of Art

Table of Contents

Chronological Table of Contents

Introduction ~ Why The Wetikó?

Who is NAME!?
